Our approach

WEA RLC Approach

The World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission believes that religious liberty is a God-ordained, fundamental and inalienable human right of every human being irrespective color, race, nationality or religion. The priority of the WEA-RLC is religious liberty for evangelicals, but not without concern for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and other faith groups.

Specifically, we work towards personal freedom in

religious education
public and private worship
sharing of one’s faith
freedom to change one’s faith

Free exercise of religion, ensured by statute, the courts and governmental policies will be pursued. The WEA-RLC monitors infringements and educate its constituency for informed vigilance. Moreover, we seek a just society for all faith communities.

Our approach is to foster a freer social and political environment for religious freedom within individual nations. International and regional organizations such as the United Nations, the European Parliament and the Organization of American States will be utilized as forums for action when feasible. Furthermore, the WEA-RLC helps equip church leaders to be effectively involved in this process.

Two strategic tactics are used to achieve effective results in justice and religious liberty issues:

  1. Helping to establish the basis for religious liberty
  2. Mobilizing a constituency in support of international religious liberty.

First there must be a legal basis for religious liberty clearly established within a nation through statutes, court decisions and public policy. At times, constituencies may need to be mobilized to influence legislation, legal opinions must be brought to bear on key case in the courts, and positive information through media, business leaders, educational institutions and civic groups must effect public policy guaranteeing freedom of religion.

Legal counsel is often necessary to shape, clarify and defend national constitutions and statutes which guarantee religious freedom and religious expression. For that reason, the WEA-RLC works with a variety of knowledgeable attorneys who understand the legalities and issues of religious liberty, as well as with key advocacy agencies.

The second tactic used by the WEA-RLC is to mobilize its extensive international membership currently made up of some 600 million Evangelicals in 129 countries. The key to this mobilization is WEA’s leadership network and the development of an RLC infra-structure. Through research and leadership development projects, the RLC helps to educate and train evangelical leaders to know how, when and to whom to respond when religious liberty problems arise.

The goal is to have in each nation evangelical leaders who understand and act effectively regarding religious liberty and justice concerns. The WEA-RLC strategy has been developed so that when applied, it is culturally appropriate. This is assured by having its membership and programs reflect Third World leadership.