WEA religious freedom Advocacy
Defending Persecuted Christians

Religious Freedom Advocacy
Jesus is very clear in the gospels that his followers will face persecution. This is borne out around the world. Over 300 million Christians face persecution on a daily basis. The WEA advocates at the highest levels of power on behalf of those who are persecuted. The WEA has offices in Geneva and New York to have a voice at the United Nations on behalf of those who are persecuted for their faith. We work with our national alliances in over 140 countries to give voice to the voiceless.
The WEA does not only advocate for Christians but for all who are persecuted for their faith. Since its founding in 1846, the WEA has been deeply concerned about religious freedom. We believe that each person has a decision to make about following Jesus as Lord. Whether or not people follow Christ is their decision; it should not be dictated by the government. The WEA therefore advocates for religious freedom for everyone everywhere.
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
IDOP is a time set apart for us to remember thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who suffer persecution, simply because they confess Jesus Christ as Lord.